Learn more about LEO A DALY's leadership and experts

Denise Allacher
Senior Associate
Commissioning Practice Lead
Photo of Rauzia Laly
Vice President
Managing Principal
Photo of Steve Andersen
Senior Architect, National Laboratory Specialist
Rich Anderson
Studio Lead, Mechanical Engineering
Image of Sarvine Ashkan
Vice President
Market Sector Leader - Healthcare
Andrew Atkins
Studio Lead, Structural
Karl Baker
Project Manager
Edward G. Benes
Chief Executive Officer
Jeff Besel
Senior Engineer, Electrical
Michael Bjornberg
Historic Building Specialist, Senior Project Manager
Pam Bothwell
Director of Business Development
Joe Bower
Senior Associate
Senior Architect
James B. Brader
Senior Vice President
Chief Financial Officer
christy coleman headshot
Senior Associate
Director of Design, Hospitality Interiors
Paul H. Coleman
Vice President
Managing Principal
Headshot of Giovanni Cortes Caro
Market Sector Leader – Aviation
Kimberly R. Cowman
Vice President
National Director of Engineering
Headshot of Ryan Curtis
Senior Associate
Senior Engineer, Structural
Leo A. Daly III
Senior Associate
Principal Market Sector Leader - Healthcare
Steve Davis
Senior Associate
Electrical Discipline Lead
Juli A. Edwards
Director of Business Development
Eduardo S. Egea
Vice President
South East Region Healthcare Market Sector Leader
Market Sector Leader - Commercial/GSA