Allina Health-Abbott Northwestern Operating Room Expansion

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Allina Health Abbott Northwestern Hospital is experiencing the market surge in elective Orthopedic and Spinal surgeries. With these sub-specialties of surgery, equipment loads are higher than many typical operating room cases.

Deep in the chassis of a decades-old hospital, most existing operating rooms were lacking in both physical clearances and advanced equipment. Operating Room 23 was an undersized multi-purpose room that was expanded to modern operating room size for dedicated use to spine surgery, while utilizing a sub-sterile space and refining patient cart traffic to access the pre-and-post operative spaces.

Operating Room 25 was a former surgery control desk area, where several rooms were combined to create an orthopedics-dedicated space. Both rooms include entirely new medical equipment, ceiling mounted lights and booms, laminar flow arrays and technology integration. Finishes include composite epoxy flooring and floor-to-ceiling solid surface wall protection.


Allina Health

At a glance

Modernize operating room

Reconfigure operating spaces for optimal use


New medical equipment

Ceiling mounted lights and booms

Laminar flow arrays

Technology integration


Project management

